Converting amount into word formate in ax 2012:
tmpStr = numeralsToTxt(5500));
At first declare a global string variable in the report and asign value in this variable like the following....
tmpStr = numeralsToTxt(5500));
Here 5500 is a argument I passed for better understanding, here you will pass the amount variable and then "tmpStr" returns through a Display method.
tmpStr = numeralsToTxt(5500));
At first declare a global string variable in the report and asign value in this variable like the following....
tmpStr = numeralsToTxt(5500));
Here 5500 is a argument I passed for better understanding, here you will pass the amount variable and then "tmpStr" returns through a Display method.
How to get Amount in words of the sum(debit) or sum(Credit) amount on ledgerjournal report?