X++ code editor?
The X++ code editor is a text editor that supports
color-coding, and provides the ability to look up and auto-complete method
names, enumeration values, and so on as you type.
To open the X++ editor, double-click a method, class, or
macro. Alternatively, click Edit in the shortcut menu for an object, or
create a new job from the Jobsnode
in the Application Object Tree (AOT).
The editor enables you to perform standard editing
functions, such as copy, cut, and paste. Undo and redo is available 10 actions
The editor has shortcut menus (activated by
right-clicking) where the available commands depend on whether you have
selected text in the editor.
Scripts are available to
help you quickly complete common programming tasks. For more information, see Editor Scripts
How do I unlock a file for editing in x++ editor?